Cracking CET with these Time management Tricks

Entrance exam evaluates the applicants on various parameters like Time Management, Intelligence, Accuracy etc. Every year CET entrance exam is conducted by GGSIPU for enrolling students into various courses. This exam is divided into various sections like English Language, Business & General Awareness, Logical & Analytical Ability and Management Aptitude, Media Aptitude, Teaching Aptitude. First of all there is a provision of negative marking so one should be very careful while answering the questions. There is no short cut to success. The best way is to practice mock mcqs which will mend your time management skills. While solving mcqs, try solving questions by eliminating options as much as possible. Elimination of options increases the chances of getting the right answer. A good speed and accuracy maximizes the score. When certain types of questions are practiced regularly one get to know the pattern and reduces time to solve that category questions every next time, this ensures you save on time. Last but not the least prepare conceptual framework i.e. start learning from the basic step i.e. basic concepts and thereafter move to higher and difficult levels of concepts.
Be confident and do your best!