Online vs Offline Courses

Education should never be stopped by any reason. Developing technology provides help to the student in continuing the learning process. Now there are various options of learning via offline and online courses. Online and offline courses both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Now the question arise which one is better. This blog is about online vs offline course for clearer perspective.
Online course
In online course delivery of the instructional materials are done with the help of web browser which can be accessed by anytime. Online courses provide many benefits to the learner like:
- It gives flexibility in choosing time of study, place of study, companion for the study etc.
- It help in achieving the goal of lifelong learning,
- It is cost effective also specifically when it come to the take global virtual education.
- It teaches the self-discipline, responsibility and better time management skill to the learner.
There are different platform which provide the online courses like, MOOC, Skillshare, Coursera, mindvalley, udemy, futurelearn, LinkedIn learning and many more. The courses are valid nationally and internationally also.
One should have carful while choosing online course keeping in mind certain factors like:
One should wisely select the topic of interest, understand the learning outcomes from the course undertaken.
Accessibility and adaptability of the modules, total hours of study required for the course, synchronous and asynchronous tools, all should be check thoroughly before enrolling for the online course.
Online course have certain disadvantage also like:
- It require a great demand of independency, self-discipline and motivation, active participation and responsibility of learning which sometimes is difficult to achieve.
- There is no competition, social interaction, extrinsic sources of motivation, extracurricular activities.
Offline courses
In order to attain the offline course one has to go the school, college or institution to complete the course. It is traditional method of education. It has several benefits like:
- More productive in nature one can get easy access to teachers and peers to communicate. Communication make the education easy.
- Scope of extracurricular activities.
- Practical experience
- Management of performance of both teacher and students
- Chances of interaction between teacher and students
Disadvantage are also there like:
It is not economical. Certain time to manage offline course is very expensive especially when it comes to global education.
Wastages of time and resources as certain time learner can feel boredom in offline class.
Both offline and online courses has their own set of pros and cons. Though offline course are more accepted than online course but during the pandemic of Covid-19 it is the online medium only which help to keep the continuity of the education. Now online course are taken by learner to upgrade their skills, to complete short term courses and to continue their education. Offline courses are best suited to those profession where practical skills are required like doctors, engineers, teacher etc. These courses require direct teacher student interaction. Now a days institutions are providing both offline and online courses the learners have to choose according to their study pattern and financial support system.