Students selected at Lancers Counsel Services Pvt. Ltd.

KRCHE/Admin/21-22/ 005/Circular No. 133                                                         May 6, 2022   




All the students of BBA and B.Com.(H) –II year are hereby informed that the following students are selected in Lancers

Counsel Services Pvt. Ltd. as interns.

  1. Abhishek Gupta
  2. DeepanshuParashar
  3. GireekTayal
  4. Prerna Gupta
  5. Taniya Gupta
  6. Tripti Sharma
  7. Vipin Kumar Verma
  8. UdayPathania
  9. Yashmittal
  10. Yash Jain
  11. Shubhankar Mishra
  12. SiddharthGarg 


Dr. G.P Singh

( Director )